Jurnal Online Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Jl. Ahmad Yani 117, Surabaya


  • The Sunan Ampel Review of Political and Social Sciences

    The Sunan Ampel Review of Political and Social Sciences (SARPASS) is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia.

    The SARPASS covers scholarly articles in the fields of political and social sciences, which include but not limited to, areas such as sociology, political science, and international relations. It welcomes academics, educators, researchers, students, practitioners, policymakers, and community representatives to submit their manuscripts at any time.

    The SARPASS owns exclusive copyright to all articles submitted to this journal. Article submissions are free of charge.

  • Jurnal PUBLIQUE

    Jurnal PUBLIQUE merupakan jurnal yang dikelola secara profesional oleh Program Studi Sosiologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya sebagai media yang mempublikasikan berbagai hasil penelitian dari akademisi. PUBLIQUE mempublikasikan berbagai hasil penelitian dalam ruang lingkup keilmuan Sosiologi baik kajian secara teoritis maupun praktis yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan masyarakat sosial

  • SIYAR Journal

    SIYAR (Social Issues by Academic Researhers) Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UIN Sunan Ampel Suarabaya. This Journal has been assigned with DOI from Crossref and indexed by Garuda, Google Scholars, Index Copernicus, Moraref, WorldCat, Indonesia Onesearch and DOAJ.

    SIYAR Journal to facilitate the dissemination of ideas and research in the field of international relations that is published twice a year, in January and July. The scope of SIYAR consist of:

    • Islam and International Relations;
    • Diplomacy and International Politics;
    • Peace and Security Studies;
    • Global Political Economy;
    • International Organization and international Business;
    • Foreign Aid, Philanthropy and International Development; or
    • The other topics which are relevant with International Studies and Social Studies.
    IMPORTANT: Before you submit a manuscript, make sure that your paper is prepared using SIYAR TEMPLATE FOR SUBMISSION, has been proofread and polished carefully, and conformed to the Author Guidelines.
  • Jurnal Politique

    Jurnal Politique merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh Prodi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Jurnal Politique bersifat terbuka untuk diakses publik (open access). Terbit secara daring dengan frekuensi terbitan 2 kali dalam setahun. Jurnal Politique mempublikasikan artikel seputar isu-isu sosial dan politik, meliputi teori politik, demokrasi, politik elektoral, politik lokal, pemerintahan desa, pemilihan umum, partai politik, desentralisasi, Islam politik, gerakan sosial, konflik sosial dan tema-tema lain yang berkaitan dengan kajian ilmu sosial dan politik.

  • Indonesian Journal of Political Studies

    Journal title : Indonesian Journal of Political Studies (IJPS)
    Initials : Ind. J. Pol. Sci.
    Abbreviation IJPS
    Frequency : 2 issues per year 
    DOI : 10.15642/ijps
    Print ISSN : 2797-6750
    Online ISSN : 2797-9458 
    Editor-in-chief : Holilah
    Managing Editor : Noor Rohman
    Publisher : Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
    Citation Analysis : Google Scholar; Garuda

    Indonesian Journal of Political Studies (IJPS) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly work on the theory and the practice of political science. The journal was published by the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya, two issues a year in April and October. The journal welcomes submissions from scholars, lecturers, practitioners, and individuals who have competency in the field.  The journal aims to encourage debate on the topic areas of political studies and commits to encouraging a pluralistic approach. The journal publishes only the very best relevant political issues on the topic areas of political studies, related to democracy, governance, welfare policy, religion and politics, social movements, and gender politics. In particular, the journal is devoted to publishing original research based on field research or library research and having innovative theoretical arguments.

  • The Sociology of Islam

    The Sociology of Islam  (SI) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal, published by department of Sociology Faculty of Political and Social Sciences UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in association with APSSI (Asosiasi Program Studi Sosiologi Indonesia). SI focuses on contemporary sociological issues related to Islam and society.

  • Journal of Integrative International Relations

    Journal of Integrative International Relations (JIIR) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the academic dicipline of International Relations, with special attention to the application of Islamic Integration methodology which synthesis critically between Islamic Studies and the contemporary discipline of International Relations, published bi-annually by Center for Integrative International Studies Laboratory, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya in association with The Indonesian Islamic Studies and International Relations Association (INSIERA).
    • Open Access: free for readers, with article processing charges paid by State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya
    • Visibility: indexed within GARUDA, Moraref, Google Scholar, OpenAIRE, UDL UDGE, and other databases
    • Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 30 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 7 days